[Tfug] GRUB

charles at kissbrothers.com charles at kissbrothers.com
Wed Nov 3 15:10:55 MST 2010

Thanks for your replies!
This is actually quite close:

/dev/sda1 NTFS
/dev/sda5 EXT3
/dev/sda6 Linux swap
/dev/sda7 EXT4
/dev/sda8 Linux Swap
If I remember correctly, it was more like:
/dev/sda1  :  Lenovo Recovery Environment
/dev/sda2  :  Vista
/dev/sda3  :  Extended
/dev/sda5  :  EXT3
/dev/sda6  :  Linux Swap
I'm not sure what it is now.  I imagine there is another /sda# in 
there somewhere. But it is a good idea to shrink the partitions and not 
eliminate them? Never thought of that. 
Ultimately, I'll want to "hide" the memtest GRUB menu entry; "hide" the 
"Lenovo Recovery Environment" menu entry; and either hide or completely 
eliminate the two or three other Linux OS's, each which have there own 
entry from their sequential complete installs over a period of two  
years (I don't think they are just kernels, although one or two might 
be) .  The new GRUB2 menu would include only the words "Windows 
Vista", and "Linux Kubuntu" , in the colors blue, yellow and white, and 
not the black, gray and white which is the default. I can do that, it's 
no problem... just the repartitioning of the drive worries me a bit. 
Don't mind the shrinking, good idea. 
I've come to remember more about the original problem with editing the 
GRUB2; I was in a hurry and the menu entry for "Lenovo Recovery 
Environment" was pointing to the Vista partition, and the "Windows 
Vista" menu entry was pointing to the "Lenovo Recovery Environment", 
tempting an unaware user to boot into the "Lenovo Recovery Environment" 
from the "Windows Vista" menu entry and begin a process of "recovering" 
a "hosed" Vista OS, only to truly hose it. 
Which is what I almost did the first time.  Well, the same thing has 
happened again, and I'll have to "repoint" the crossed menu entries, 
which is a bit of a pain with GRUB2 (at least it was for me, ie. 
re-titling the entires, changing colors, etc.).  Like I said, I was in 
a hurry.  Now when I go back to work on the T61, I'll do so with more 
All that said, I'm very impressed GRUB2 manages to recognize, and avoid 
potential interferences, with other OS's... it would just be nice to be 
able to edit, and comment out more easily, ie. as it was in GRUB1. 
But don't we all say that??  Things change:  LILO,  rehab, etc. 

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