[Tfug] LNLFA Part 2

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Mon Jan 18 14:14:11 MST 2010

On 17 Jan 2010, erich wrote:
> I remind you all that this stuff is geeky, and you would never 
> get my 86 y.o. aunt to do this. She muddles along with 
> Micro$oft as best she can.

You started the last thread saying that Linux is not for 
amateurs, and your reasoning seemed to be because compiling the 
kernel has become more difficult.

Now it seems that you are saying that Linux is not for people 
like your 86 year old aunt, because compiling the kernel has 
become more difficult.

Regardless which argument you are making, I disagree. Using Linux 
is for amateurs, newbies, seasoned pros, etc. Anyone can use 

Hacking on Linux may be a completely different story. I think you  
might be able to make a cogent argument that hacking Linux is no 
longer for amateurs. But I am not able to contribute to that 
argument due to lack of experience in that area.


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