[Tfug] Some news in hackintosh circles..

Eric Gearhart eric at nixwizard.net
Wed Feb 11 09:08:46 MST 2009

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Zack Williams <zdwzdw at gmail.com> wrote:
> For example, single sign on - enter your password once when logging
> onto a station, and gain access to network shares, printers, websites
> etc., without having to reenter it, and without your password going
> over the network multiple times.
> See also group calendaring, address book, email, etc.
> Yes, it's possible to set up Linux or BSD with LDAP and Kerberos and
> get the above functionality, but is it easy?  Nope.   Do people do it
> in reality?  Not outside of large organizations.

I have been hoping Novell would swoop in and make eDirectory as easy
to get going as Active Directory...
http://www.novell.com/products/openworkgroupsuite/ would be a great
competitor to MS...

Unfortunately I'm still waiting though...the last time I installed
SLES 10 SP1 it was a complete train wreck to just get the basic
equivalent of Small Business Server going (note: I'm not a Novell "old
hand" so I was expecting pretty GUI wizard to ask "Do you want to set
up a single sign on server with eDirectory? Yes? OK) and bam
eDirectory is setup. This was not the case...

Anyone on this list have experience with Novell's Linux platform that
has any input?


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