[Tfug] Simple serial comm with a device

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat May 26 09:29:58 MST 2007

--- Joe Blais <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> wrote:

> I forgot.

We *all* forget!  :-)

> About a decade or 2 ago, I was using QNX2.  Now I'm
> still learning Linux (fedora 5)
> I think I remember just something like doing
> <ctrl-alt-2> to a QNX terminal
> screen, and typing something like:
> stty /dev/s1
> or something.  That would direct the input/output of
> that terminal to the desired serial port.
> Then you could go to another terminal if you had to,
> and set baud rates for the device.
> I just can't remember how to do that any more.
> I was looking through some of the Linux books and
> such, the web pages try to
> get you to use microcom or some other app.
> Anyway, does anyone do that, redirect one of the
> regular terminal's input to a serial device?

Are you looking for tip(1)?  Or, do you need to plumb
an application's stdin/stdout to a particular tty?


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