[Tfug] [WAs digest] Innocuous/ubiquitous service(s)?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 30 13:17:43 MST 2013

Hi Yan,

On 4/23/2013 4:10 PM, Yan wrote:
> How about ssh? It can be hosted on any port, and the user immediately gets
> a "RSA key fingerprint is AA:BB:CC:DD:....." message on the first
> connection. SSH is blocked less rarely than SMTP (although it is still
> blocked), and is found on nonstandard ports sometimes (although less often
> than HTTP).

Yes, it's comparable to (S)NTP in these regards.  But, I think
falls short on the "ubiquitous" criterion (heck, *everything*
pales in comparison to HTTP!) and probably is dubious on the
"innocuous" criterion ("Gee, why is this running at this host?")

Unfortunately, it's hard to get *measured* results of various
services in terms that make it easy to gauge "widespreadness".
E.g., traffic reports usually are concerned with volume of traffic
which skews measurements in favor of "inefficient" protocols
(and/or protocols that move large chunks of data).

For example, 3/4 of the Internet's bandwidth is consumed with *video*
content!  Sheesh!  (Hmmm... maybe that's an idea..?)

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