[Tfug] Topology questions

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 6 23:10:14 MST 2012

Hi Will,

On 10/6/2012 10:05 PM, William Stott wrote:
> Wow. You are working yourself into a situation where complexity overcomes
> security and maintenance.

Actually, I see the multihomed FTP/HTTP/etc server as a simpler
configuration to audit (and, thus, maintain)!

FW ---+-- RTR ---+---
      |          |
      +-- FTP ---+

   exposed     internal (1 shown)

The firewall can allow *only* FTP/HTTP/etc. incoming connections
directed to the "exposed" interface on that server -- no reason for
the router to *ever* have to deal with incoming service requests
on those ports.

At the same time, the router NEVER has to pass requests from any
of the internal internets through to that "exposed" internet so that
they could reach the FTP/HTTP server.

I.e., the exposed port on the FTP/HTTP server should *only* see
requests from the outside world.  The exposed port on the router
should *never* see requests from the outside world.  You don't
have to merge this internal/external forwarding into the router;
the cabling enforces the distinctions.

Similarly, the router can *prevent* the wireless internet from ever
accessing the internal internets -- it can always be treated as
"potentially hostile" (even if it employs security).

ALL of the traffic on the exposed internet is considered "suspect".
There's never a chance of the router passing FTP/HTTP requests
from an internal internet onto that internet.  A protocol sniffer
could trivially detect any violations, here -- because none of
the internal subnets should ever appear on the exposed internet
for any reason.

The router's rules never have to address the possibility of
those addresses appearing on that interface (i.e., "block unless
it's an FTP request coming from inside").

This lets me size the firewall hardware for *just* the bandwidth
of the WAN connection.  Similarly, the router can be sized for
more "typical" usage between the internal networks (as outlined

At the same time, the FTP/HTTP server can be sized to handle the
heavier demands placed on it by the *internal* clients (who certainly
don't want to have to operate at the slow WLAN speed!)

Since (internal) FTP/HTTP traffic doesn't go *through* the router
(which would put that traffic on the exposed internet), the name
service (operating *in* the router) can ensure that FTP.MyDomain
resolves to X.X.1.X for hosts issuing queries on internal internet 1;
X.X.2.X for hosts qurying the name serve from the internal internet
2; etc.  I.e., the router doesn't even *see* that traffic.

Likewise, I can ensure inetd doesn't spawn anything *other* than
FTP/HTTP on that exposed interface.  And, that the FTPd and HTTPd
listening on that interface only allow limited accesss to the
resources available on the server.

> Maybe you should think about sticking the web services between your
> firewall and router "DMZ network," configure actual proxy services
> for external use, and call it a day. "Multi-homed" anything that
> isn't a router or firewall is normally not in your best interest, but
> more of a band-aid to a real solution (even if that means using windows
> DHCP over Linux *unnecessary stab*).

Note my use of multihoming is intentionally oriented around *simpler*
security/configuration -- not providing redundant communication paths.
If an interface on the router goes down, there is nothing that the
FTP/HTTP server can do to route traffic *around* it.  Likewise, if
an interface on the FTP server goes down, there's nothing the router
can do to provide an alternate route -- the isolation of the
networks is the whole goal of keeping them separate along with
their *traffic*.

Using the firewall and router to restrict what can appear on that
exposed internet, I think, simplifies the rule writing for everything
that has to provide services to internal and external clients (by
keeping things separate).

Dunno.  I'll try and build a server next week and see how "simple"
the rules turn out to be.  And, how hard it will be to add new
services -- as well as changing what's available where.


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