[Tfug] Late reminder Happy Hour Tonight 6pm @ Bob Dob's

erich erich1 at copper.net
Thu Nov 17 20:33:55 MST 2011

Better late than never,

         Sorry it was too late for me because I wasn't sure we were
having it at Bob Dobbs or not. Facebook just isn't my cup of tea.
Hope the notice goes out sooner next time.


Drew H wrote:
> Tonight at 6:00 PM, we will be having our regular Happy Hour
> meeting at Bob Dobb's Bar & Grill. I hope you can make it out.
> Here is a link to a Google Map:
> http://local.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Bob+Dobb%27s+Bar+%26+Grill,+East+6th+Street,+Tucson,+AZ&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=46.092115,57.480469&ie=UTF8&hq=Bob+Dobb%27s+Bar+%26+Grill,&hnear=E+6th+St,+Tucson,+Arizona&z=15
> I'm taking this over from Glen, apologies for the tardy reminder, I'll
> be there anyway. - Andy
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