[Tfug] Linux Install fest, round 2 at TCS

Dennis McCormick macsinitial65haus at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 10:42:53 MST 2011

Last month's fest was well attended, so there's a follow up one this
coming Sunday, July 24th, at 3 pm at the same location, 5199 E.
Farness, in the Pima County Medical Society building. Linux distros
were installed then and you may have some questions or another
computer that needs Linux. Or you may just want to learn more about
Linux, so you're welcome to attend.

Older computers can be "revived" using certain distributions of Linux.
A ten-year old laptop of mine with 192 MB of RAM and a 6-GB hard drive
runs Lubuntu, an offshoot of Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux

If you do bring a computer, please bring a power strip if you have one.

Dennis McCormick      TCS Linux SIG co-leader

5199 E. Farness is located one block south of Grant between Rosemont
and Wyatt, south of Tucson Medical Center.

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