[Tfug] voice recognition software

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 5 15:27:05 MST 2010

Hi Earl,

> Hi, Don,
> >> I would like to set up a Linux Box for her.  She has
> >> enough problems
> >> without having to contend with virus problems on top of
> >> everything else.
> >
> > Virii aren't a problem *if* you are careful with what you
> > do online and how/where you do it.  Of course, if she's
> > like most of The Unwashed Masses, she'll just go "wherever"
> > and wonder, later, why she has a problem.  :<
> She believes her 5+ E-machine died
> because she pressed a wrong key. 

Yes, you have to warn folks NEVER to press the BREAK key!!

> It is now a lump.  I think getting 5 years out of an
> E-machine is an accomplishment.

<shrug>  Of course, depends on what its actual symptoms are.
But, at 5 years, easier to just upgrade her to something from
the front room, etc.

> >> From what I can find, most voice recognition software,
> >> at least stuff that works is limited to Windows.
> >> Does any one know of something in Linux that
> >> would work to assist in computer operation and be usable
> >> for on-line e-mail and chat?
> >
> > The only real open source VR that I am aware of is the Sphinx
> > project.  But, I don't think it is ready for prime time.  :<
> I really didn't get much
> encouragement from the information I got on
> that either.

Some time ago, IBM had hinted that they would port their
ViaVoice product to Linux but I haven't seen anything
more on that (?)  Perhaps they had a change of heart.

> > Have you, instead, considered taking a different approach
> > entirely?  I.e., she can *read* stuff on the screen, right?
> > And, presumably, can do some limited *coarse* navigation
> > (click on icons, etc.).
> >
> > Why not let her send *voice* messages?  No need to type.  And,
> > no need to get frustrated with the errors that the VR software
> > injects (especially if her stroke affected speech centers in
> > any significant way).
> >
> > <shrug>  Dunno without knowing her particular situation...
> Apparently someone will set up the machine for her with XP.

She'll still need something like ViaVoice or Dragon or...
if she wants voice control.  That's why I was suggesting just
giving her a way to can speech recordings and mail them.

> I'm passing that off because I have too many problems
> installing Windows ... it is very complex and frustrating 
> without apt-get ... barbaric system.

<grin>  I'm currently "doing penance" rebuilding my W2KS machine.
(sigh)  Apparently no way to easily move all the applications
onto new drives.  :<  <shrug>  Gives me a chance to clean off
accumulated cruft.

> I'll try to find her a computer at World Care.

*That* shouldn't be hard!


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