[Tfug] OT: M.S. in C.S.

Stott, Will will.stott at ventana.roche.com
Tue Mar 17 17:29:47 MST 2009

I am currently enrolled in the infosec program at james madison. If you are looking for the flexibility of online courses with the intensity far beyond normal universities, then check it out. I would say that meeting everyone in the program professors and students is worth the tuition alone. The education is alephone over any education I have ever experienced. I will warn that it is not just another paper to put on the wall. Every students that finishes this program works very hard for it, and they seem to change their personal and professional views drastically. It is difficult, but the rewards are for life. I would recommend this to anyone striving above mediocrity.


----- Original Message -----
From: tfug-bounces at tfug.org <tfug-bounces at tfug.org>
To: tfug at tfug.org <tfug at tfug.org>
Sent: Tue Mar 17 17:15:00 2009
Subject: [Tfug] OT: M.S. in C.S.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the off topic post.

I would like to get your opinions and advice on graduate school.  I'm
interested in doing a M.S. in Computer Science.

These are the schools I've applied to so far:
Southern Methodist University
University of Illinois at Srpingfield
National University
Nova Southeastern University (unable to submit app. due to bug in server)

My situation:
Active Duty Air Force
Seeking part-time, online program
Begin classes in fall 09

My goal:
To complete an M.S. in C.S. within 2 years at little to no
out-of-pocket expense (using the Montgomery GI Bill,) with the aim of
obtaining a job as a software or computer engineer and/or returning to
school to pursue a PhD in Computer Science or Computer Engineering.

B.S. and M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering

Have you heard of the above schools?  Do you have any opinions them?
Are there any schools you would recommend for my situation?  Which
school do you think would best meet my goals?  How would these schools
effect getting admitted into a PhD program or getting a job in the
software industry?  From a hiring perspective, what do you think of
online programs in general?

Thank you very much for your input!
-Jonathan Di Trapani

Tucson Free Unix Group - tfug at tfug.org
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