[Tfug] Re-nice... erm, and runlevels.

Jeremy D Rogers jdrogers at optics.arizona.edu
Wed Mar 11 18:57:24 MST 2009

Interesting question. I have no pertinent contribution, but it brings
up a point that occasionally keeps me up nights.
For the longest time, I have felt like there are two aspects of linux
(and perhaps other *nixen) that go sadly underused: (1) nice and (2)

I still feel like a runlevel should be dedicated to low-power mode for
laptops whereby switching runlevels removed power-hungry modules and
set certain hardware into low power mode, or standby and shutdown
unneeded services that otherwise keep spinning up disks. Especially
stuff like 3D graphics drivers and various services. Laptopmode is one
thing, but it just seems like runlevels would be a powerful tool for
changing such a state of the system, and you could still have a
config/updatescript that allows choice of what gets switched on/off.

Uh.. and back on topic, similarly to nice levels. We should use those
more effectively too. :-)

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