[Tfug] The monster

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Sat Jun 6 13:17:40 MST 2009

On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 02:57:33PM -0500, JD Rogers wrote:
> As far as your system wanting all the packages, that seems weird. What
> distro are you using?

The reference to USE flags indicates Gentoo.  Pure speculation as to
why TeX was pulled in: A number of different packages rely upon the
Ghostscript (and other PS and PDF-related) utilities that are provided
with TeX systems, so it's not uncommon to have a dependency on TeX or
some component therein.  JD's correct that the package manager (ports
system) should be able to deal with that.

Under Debian, dpkg provides a --search option so that you can know
which package installed a particular file:

	cjr at wagner:~$ dpkg --search /bin/ls
	coreutils: /bin/ls

Perhaps Gentoo has similar functionality?


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