[Tfug] Tucson Business ISP

Rich r-lists at studiosprocket.com
Mon Jan 5 06:25:50 MST 2009

On Jan 5, 2009, at 12:13 am, Michael Omar Gatto wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm thinking of ditching Cox for my home office internet. Downtime  
> issues as well as them not upgrading the upstream speeds along with  
> their recent downstream increase makes me want to look elsewhere.  
> Right now, for 384Kb up / 2Mb down with a static IP, I'm paying  
> $59. Simplybits, like Cox doesn't publish its rate structure  
> anywhere I nor Goggle can see.
> I'd like to hear some recommendations about other ISPs locally and  
> anecdotes about Cox and Simplybits from you all.

When I was looking around a couple of years ago, Cox (*choke!*) was  
the best I could find for the business I was working for. ("Cox" is a  
great name for them. They really are. Cox, that is.) I don't believe  
much, aside from downstream speeds, has changed in the interim...

I don't remember specifics, but I was asking companies about pricing,  
and there was only one company got back to me with any kind of  
detail, and they were trying to get me to switch to DSL, giving BS  
about "shared switches", as if cable customers don't have to share a  

This is slightly off topic, but my personal experience is that Qwest  
offers the best package to the home in the form of wires+DSL+kit+ISP.

What I really wanted, in both cases, was to be able to buy those  
components from different companies. I.e. phone wires from one  
company, DSL service from another, the DSL modem & router from  
another, and a real choice of ISP. It's wacky. In the UK, you pay far  
less for way better speeds, and you get more choice. You pretty much  
pay the ISP to work out deals with the local companies, which means  
you don't have to change phone companies to get a good DSL price.  
Here in the US, we have a communistic approach: you vill get vot ve  
zay you vill get.


> Thanks a bunch,
> - Mike Gatto
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