[Tfug] Hackable phone?

Jeffry Johnston tfug at kidsquid.com
Wed Feb 25 16:46:10 MST 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Steve Franks <franks at rudbek.com> wrote:
> That's good news.  It's a great hardware platform, and they've become
> pretty cheap now that they are last year's deal.  The phone is a self
> contained thing from qualcom (so I hear) that just talks serial.
> You'd think someone would have sniffed that protocol by now.

Excellent.  Then maybe we can help?  I'm sure there is some way we
could do some sniffing under WM.  I guess we'd want the sound "card"
to work too.

> I'd give my left #$! to get
> linux on the thing (short of actually figuring it out myself ;)

Here are links:

Linux for Apache:


I saw a video of tekkdrone (the guy doing the work) surfing a website
on Android for the Apache.. so he has data working.  Whether he has
made it publically available or not, I'm not sure.  He mentioned
working on kernel 2.6.27 since that's what Android development has
moved to.


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