[Tfug] Hackable phone?

Jeffry Johnston tfug at kidsquid.com
Tue Feb 24 18:28:41 MST 2009

> --- On Wed, 2/18/09, Steve Franks <bahamasfranks at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Watch those HTC's - development on most of them stalls
>> before anyone gets the phone part working.
>> I've a HTC apache / PPC6700 that is a
>> total POS with windows on it (locks up weekly, sometimes
>> daily).  You

Just bought an Apache last night off ebay.. d'oh!  Are you running WM
5, 6, or 6.1?  I'm guessing you've seen http://ppckitchen.org/ ?

They've ported Linux and Android to Apache.  But, as you say, the
phone part is not yet working.  I heard today on #htc-linux that there
is at least 1 person still working on getting the Apache going.  And,
if any of the HTC's have phone, maybe it wouldn't be hard to port.  It
seems like if they're able to hack WM to work, then maybe it can be
reverse engineered to discover how the phone works.

> I think I'll try to find a few on eBay just to take them
> apart and see how they are designed and constructed

There are supposed to be pictures here (but it gives me some security error):


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