[Tfug] Hand scanner recommendation?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 31 11:48:54 MST 2009

Hi Michael,

> I'd probably go with a digital camera if I didn't already
> have the Roadwarrior.

Digital cameras are "OK" if you're copying photos (as stated
by the OP).  Biggest problem is holding the camera normal to
the subject (though you can fix this in Photoshop) and
having the subject be relatively flat (i.e., curled pages of
a book can be a chore to compensate).

You can even use a camera for text and fine line drawings if
it will let you store TIFF's or "RAW" format (I've seen
photos of schematics stored as JPEGs that were little more
than fuzzy clouds)


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