[Tfug] Switches -- and hubs!

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 8 11:14:46 MST 2009

Hi Zack,

> > But, to be fair, wouldn't you be comparing *newer* 10/100 switches
> > (or hubs -- if they even make them) with newer Gb switches?
> > Apples/Apples?
> >
> > E.g., the TE100-S80g uses 2.5W whereas the TEG-S80g uses 5W.
> > (granted, this might be Apples/Persimmons...)
> Ah, didn't know they were still actively making new silicon
> for 10/100 networks - I figured they would keep making old designs and
> spend engineering resources on new gigabit stuff.

It is entirely possible that the "new silicon" is the same
silicon that is used in the Gb devices -- but, doesn't pass
the higher speed requirements.  E.g., years ago, you could
purchase 16K and 64K DRAM devices.  Motorola offered a
32K device -- which was actually a 64K device that didn't
pass final test (there was one or more blown bits in one
half -- or the *other* -- of the device).

> It's nice that there's a 10x performance boost for 2x power
> usage.


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