[Tfug] Alan Cox: "I've had enough"--what else is new?

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Sun Aug 2 12:08:08 MST 2009

On Fri Jul 31, 2009 at 11:46:52PM -0700, Bowie J. Poag wrote:
> I'm not anti-Linux. I'm just tired of seeing the Linux scene 
> decay into  another Amiga fanclub full of hopeful die hards 
> that think the platform  will one day rise up again. It's not 
> gonna happen. Knowing that, it's  time to move on to other free 
> Unixes out there. I suggest Darwin/OS X.

What I surmise from most of your posts on this subject, is that 
you think Linux/BSD is dead because it has not and nor does it in 
your opinion have a chance of taking over the desktop OS market.

Does that not suggest that one of your reasons for being involved 
with Linux/BSD was because you thought it would win the desktop 
OS war? If so, then were you not at one time part of the same 
faction that you now disparage? Are you now not doing the same 
thing just in a different camp? 

I do not know anyone on the list that uses Linux/BSD because they 
hope it will win the war. Those that I know, along with myself, 
use it because we like it and because it is FOSS. We do not care 
about the desktop OS war.

I welcome technical discussions comparing features of Linux, BSD, 
OpenSolaris, Darwin, etc, as I am sure does most of the list. But 
arguments about which one will win the war are not fruitful.


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