[Tfug] Why GNOME was the stupidest idea in Linux history...

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 22:00:54 MST 2009

Bowie, you're saying two different things here that don't make sense:

1) There's something fundamentally wrong with the Windows user interface.

Guess what?  For most users, that's just not true.  Microsoft's
failure isn't in the user interface, it's in the "guts" below that:
security and stability issues galore.  The whole thing is one big
"binary blob" and we know where that leads.

I didn't abandon Windows due to the user interface.  I abandoned it so
my lappy wouldn't get possessed by the evil spawn of some Ukrainian
gangster's semi-geek nephew.

2) The MacOS user interface is better than Gnome or KDE.  Or even
Windows for chrissakes.

Bowie, I dare you to try just one thing: re-size the fonts in the
basic OS pulldown menus.  Oh gee, you CAN'T, can you?  I know a guy
over 70 years old running Leopard who's getting serious eyestrain

That's just one example of it being the most inflexible turd of a desktop EVER.

Don't even get me started on one-button mice.

Basically, if you don't like it Steve Jobs' way, tough.  Yeah, at
least you can buy a different mouse...but too much other stuff is
locked down tighter than the meds in a prison mental ward.



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