[Tfug] tfug Digest, Vol 69, Issue 6

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 5 17:39:04 MST 2009

--- On Sun, 4/5/09, Paul Steinbach <MIS at samlevitz.com> wrote:

> > From: Bexley Hall <bexley401 at yahoo.com>
> >   
> > Perhaps a dozen of the HP variety (single port like the 300EX)
> > probably went in the "recycle" pile today as there are typically
> > more donated than there is demand.  <frown>
> >
> > I think there may be a metric butt-load of single port
> > *terminal* servers there, as well.  Dunno.  I didn't
> > have time to research them (Joe was more interested in
> > salvaging the plastic bags that they were packed in than
> > the devices themselves  :-/  odd priorities)
> Noticed one single port HP EX3? print server in a box
> out in the yard sale out at WorldCare Sat.   

Yes, it came in "NIB" so I just set it out (untested, figuring
since the box was still sealed...).  There were many others
in the "incoming" area that I didn't even bother to bring in
(since the time required to test them wasn't justified when
you consider how few are sold there)

[I see you've got stuff piling up outside your room, Paul!  :> ]



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