[Tfug] Cox and Port 25

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Wed Sep 10 10:32:55 MST 2008

On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:22:22AM -0700, Andrew Ayre wrote:
> You could always sign up for a subscription VPN service that will
> allow you to tunnel everything past Cox's limitations...will slow
> down your connection though...

Or, as others have suggested, just use an external relay host.  Cox
doesn't and won't be blocking 22 and you said that you admin servers
professionally.  So port forward local:25 to remote:25 over ssh and be
done with it.  The great advantage here is that it's pretty much
guaranteed to work whatever network you're on because nobody (or
almost nobody) blocks 25.


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