[Tfug] wxWidgets

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 12:59:12 MST 2008

Hi, Nate,

> I haven't done very much GUI work, but I found Perl +
> LibGTK2::GladeXML + Glade2 to work really well and fast.
> aptitude install perl
> aptitude install libgtk2-gladexml-perl
> apttiude install glade-2

Ouch!  I suspect this has a pretty heavy footprint?

> Create your interface in glade-2, then load the resulting
> xml file into 
> perl and execute, etc.  I don't remember specifically
> where I learned it 
> all, but I'm sure google will find tons of stuff.  At
> the time,  documentation wasn't a problem.

Thanks!  I think I already have most of this on one of my NBSD
boxes -- I'll see what I am missing...



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