[Tfug] The Joy of OSX, and the friction coefficient of goose droppings.

Tim Ottinger tottinge at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 12:41:22 MST 2008

Bowie J. Poag wrote:
> I'm happy to leave desktop Linux in the ditch at this point, where 
> Vista can keep it company. Linux is unbeatable in the server arena, 
> but I think too many missed opportunities have gone by for Linux on 
> the desktop to gain any real traction.

I came back.  There was nothing like apt to make managing your whole 
system easy.  Ports did part of it, some apps did it their own way, I 
had to keep a list of the others so I remember to upgrade, and some upgrades
cost money.   After only a few months with a really great MBP, I was ready
to come home.

Great touchpad and wonderful battery life on those things though.
Wish I could have kept it and installed debian sid on it.


Tim ---------------------------
-Tim speaks only for himself---

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