[Tfug] OT: Big Oil? Windows Vista!

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun May 25 20:09:47 MST 2008

--- Ronald Sutherland <ronald.sutherland at gmail.com>

> also found someone doing a small Stirling engine...
> interesting... I'll be
> looking into this
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_uSJl0-Wfc

There's a firm with a Stirling engine coupled to
a 20KW genset -- I think they were targeting
$20K.  Missed their mark, IMO.  Need a small
3-5KW unit that could be roof mounted (the 20KW
unit uses a 20ft collector!).  Even if it just
carried the ACbrrr load it would be a BIG win!
> holy cow they have a data sheet
> Nice 24% efficiency way above PV, and we are talking
> about 2-3kW which could
> power my AC.
> poor ants must have thought the sun went nova...
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