[Tfug] Debian Testing Icedove fonts too small

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Sat May 10 21:32:27 MST 2008

I upgraded my laptop to Debian Testing (Lenny). After the upgrade
both Iceweasel and Icedove application fonts (not just the fonts
for pages and emails) are much smaller than they used to be.

I fixed the problem for Iceweasel by reinstalling msttcorefonts.
But that did not help Icedove. Additionally, I have checked out
several other applications, none of which have this problem. I
looked at: Pidgin, Gimp, Epiphany, Nautilus.

Any thoughts? I've no clue where to start.

Oh, and I am away on a business trip so I will be slow in responding.


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