[Tfug] WorldCare sale, reprise

John Karns johnkarns at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 14:43:07 MST 2008

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Bexley Hall <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Apparently, WC has kept their courtyard sale
>  going this week (all week).  However, the
>  servers are usually not visible -- they take
>  up too much room and there is very little
>  "public" demand to see them.
>  However, if you stop by between 1 and 3 on
>  most days, Joe (Alwine) is usually there to
>  bring folks in to look them over.  Most have
>  *some* Linux distro installed and bootable.
>  Dragging a monitor over and finding a place
>  to sit is what you'll need to do.
>  Dennis is often there on Thursdays after noon-ish.
>  He builds most of them so is probably worth
>  pestering with any detailed questions.

Did they change the hours lately?  I thought that the hours were
limited to 10a - 2p.


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