[Tfug] Using Subversion for my home dir

Matt Jacob m at mattjacob.com
Tue Jun 24 09:17:30 MST 2008

Timothy Ottinger wrote:
> Why is that? As I understand git, it would make only one copy as long  
> as the file was never modified, while still tracking file movement  
> throughout the file system.  If you're wanting to recreate a directory  
> tree as of some point in the past, it might not be a bad idea to use a  
> modern version control.  For my money (heh) version control is a  
> pretty good backup system.  I would use a DVCS, and push/pull a  
> repository at home so that my laptop will stay more or less in sync.
> I don't use git because I don't like an app to install so many  
> executables with such diverse naming.  But it's fast and pretty cool.   
> I used bzr for a while, and am currently enamored with mercurial.   
> They're slower, but they're also python. ;-)

OK, so even if git only stores one copy of unmodified files, there's still the 
issue (for me) of checking them out in the first place. With unison, I brought 
in an external HD with all my stuff, copied it over, and then compared from that 
base set of files. It seems like it's unavoidable to use rsync/unison in 
conjunction with a VCS to keep everything in sync.


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