[Tfug] Dilemma: Qwest or Comcast?

Matt Jacob m at mattjacob.com
Tue Jun 3 14:31:33 MST 2008


Now I'm really getting the runaround from both sides. My apartment 
management says it's Qwest's problem, and Qwest says it's their problem. 
How hard/possible would it be for me to cut out the middlemen and 
personally wire the two jacks together? I have some ethernet wiring 
experience (punchdowns, crimping cables, etc.), but I'm not an expert by 
any means.

Is phone wiring that much different? I mean, we're dealing with one pair 
of wires instead of several pairs, right? How hard could it be?


Matt Jacob wrote:
> The running saga continues. I called up Qwest again today to clarify the 
> terms of the service visit, and I spoke to someone more knowledgeable 
> who said it's actually management's (of my apartment complex) 
> responsibility to wire the two jacks together. The new guy at Qwest said 
> the second line wasn't showing up for him, which means it's probably not 
> connected to anything.
> Can anyone familiar with telco stuff confirm this? I see the wire coming 
> out of my apartment at the point where the wall jack in the office is, 
> but now what? Is the burden on management to switch over the wiring pair 
> in the switch box? Obviously, inside wiring is their responsibility, but 
> I thought Qwest owns the switching equipment at the complex and not the 
> other way around.
> Ideally, both jacks would be wired together for the same line and 
> everything would play together harmoniously. Should I submit a 
> maintenance request to make it happen, or will they think I'm crazy?
> Matt

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