[Tfug] Stock Linux analog of tip(1)?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 19 00:21:58 MST 2008


> > What's the *stock* Linux equivalent of tip(1)?
> >
> > No, I'm not interested in add-on packages that
> give tip-like
> > functionality.  :<  Is there a tip equivalent in
> *most*
> > distros?
> OK... I give up, what exactly is tip? I can only assume you
> mean the Sun 
> command tip (man page: 
> http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-0210/6m6nb7mn9?a=view),
> which seems to 
> just open a remote terminal... but one that acts as a
> psuedo-serial terminal 
> with ftp-ish file transfer capabilities I guess?

Yes.  The more significant issue is that it gives you
a "terminal" that you can attach to a serial line
(i.e., turn your fancy computer into a VT-100  :> )

> The closest in the linux world I would guess is
> "rsh", open a remote shell 
> session. (It can do uucp between systems as well, but the
> commands are a bit 
> different. There is also a rcp, remote copy, which uses the
> same mechanism).
> Obviously... it is highly insecure, but installed by
> default on all 
> distributions. You would probably have to allow incoming
> connections on the 
> remote system first, as it is most likely
> firewalled/disabled. The standard 
> ssh/scp/sftp are obviously preferred for security.
> Adrian


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