[Tfug] DVD Writing

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 19 12:34:32 MST 2008

Hi, Don,

--- Don Freeman <DFreeman at pagnet.org> wrote:

> I just started this process myself and I gather that
> the "+" formats are
> newer and improved as you suggest. My older DVD
> player requires the "-" and will not play the "+".

Ah, *that's* significant!  :-(

> I just purchased a VHS & DVD combo unit and the docs
> suggest that the "+" formats may be more editable
> than the older "-" format.

Yes.  I picked up a spindle of + and a spindle of
- at Costco while they were on sale.  I suspect I
will just return/exchange the - for a second
spindle of +.

You've taken the VHS/DVD appliance approach to
transcribing the tapes.  Does anyone have any
suggestions as to how to do this with a "PC"?
I imagine a video capture card is all that is
required?  Or, do things like MacroVision
dick with even this type of capture?


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