[Tfug] Stuph Avaylible Four Sail

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 14 12:39:16 MST 2008

--- Jude Nelson <judecn at gmail.com> wrote:

> UltraSPARC IIs are slower than x86 chips (Pentium
> PRO or better) of
> the same clock rate in my experience.  My Ultra 5
> with a 400 MHz
> UltraSPARC IIi runs (very roughly) at about the same
> speed as a 300
> MHz Pentium II.

Note that the U5 (and U10) are *IDE* machines.
And, Sun's IDE interface is notoriously slow.

I think you would find a (single CPU) U30 at 400MHz
would outperform the U5.


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