[Tfug] Video capture

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 3 13:46:16 MST 2008

Hi, Jeff,

--- Jeffry Johnston <tfug at kidsquid.com> wrote:

> Oh, BTW.. there is some pretty technical stuff out
> there, if that's
> what you are after:
> http://www.mpucoder.com/DVD/

Thanks!  I'll take a look at them.
> With these resources I was building a DVD and MPEG2
> decoder... so you
> can pretty much get down to the bottom of it ;) 
> Reading my scripts
> and a few man pages will probably be easier tho, if
> you just want to build DVD's.

Problem is figuring out what the VWS320 creates
for raw files and getting them into a form that
"standard tools" will accept.


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