[Tfug] Looking for a TFUG Member

Michael Omar Gatto gatto_omar at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 25 17:56:44 MST 2008

Hi All,

About last fall there was a subscriber who was a network admin thinking of
moving to Tucson. At the time he was deployed in Iraq. I want to get in
touch with him as a fellow veteran and see about joining his network and sys
admin skills with my web dev skills for an upcoming project. 

Contact me off list at mgatto at lisantra.com

- Mike Gatto

Managing Director
Lisantra Technologies, Llc
"Smart Php Development for You"

Email:   mgatto at lisantra.com
Web:     http://www.lisantra.com
Phone:  (520) 777-9330
Fax:      (866) 345-9276

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