[Tfug] FS: Linksys WRT54G with the excellent v.2 chipset - already flashed with DD-WRT full edition

Matt Jacob m at mattjacob.com
Tue Aug 12 14:37:32 MST 2008

John Karns wrote:
> I have a ver 1.1 box, and a ver 3.  Just a word of caution: I remember
> reading somewhere many moons ago that it's best not set the output
> power higher than 70% or 80% of max.  Higher than that and the chances
> of burnout within a year go up significantly, unless one augments the
> internal heat dissipation.

I remember reading something that said that you don't want to set your 
output power higher than 70-80 mW, because after that point, you're also 
increasing the noise and diminishing your SNR. I believe a better 
antenna will give you greater returns on power, but cranking up the 
signal strength is a free and easy way to possibly get a little more range.

I've got a WRT54GL with Tomato and the output power set to the default 
value (40 or 42 mW off the top of my head), and it provides coverage to 
my entire apartment without a problem.


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