[Tfug] [OT, slightly] IT Consulting

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 19 07:26:22 MST 2008

I would say it is much like building a house if you can get your client to pay for a "real" analysis and design.  That is the problem.  In building a building it is my understanding you need architectural designs to get a permit.

When working with nothing less than an IBM level client, it is my experience the client neither understands the need for an analysis, design, or even a feasibility study.    They know they want their project completed and they want if for the least money possible.

>From my experience if a consultant brings up the analysis and design issue the prospective client will be lost and not understand what the consultant is talking about.  The consultant will spend several hours trying to explain and convince the prospective client of the need for an analysis and design and will ultimately loose the prospect.

I've seen this happen.  I watched a fellow consultant talk a prospect into an  analysis and design and once completed  he forwarded it to the client asking for time to go over the document.  The client emailed him back and said he did not get it and became unresponsive after that.

Seems the client did not understand what the consultant was trying to say and he lost a potentially good project.  

It's a tough world out there.

James Hood <ebenblues at gmail.com> wrote: Projects are difficult and project creep is a reality.  It is very easy to underbid and then find out the project is 70% under funded.  This is not like building a building where one must start with architect who gives them a complete plan for how things are to be built.  Even under these circumstances projects over run budget.

Hey, some people happen to think that software/IT is very much like building a building...

James ;-)

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Keith Smith
(520) 207-9877
PHP Programmer

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