[Tfug] CAD software that is friendly to Linux

Felix Tilley fetilley at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 14 20:49:50 MST 2007

Message: 4
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:40:15 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Eric M. Gearhart" <eric at nixwizard.net>
Subject: [Tfug] CAD software that is friendly to Linux
To: tfug at tfug.org
Message-ID: <23131583.191189770015734.JavaMail.root at mail.aerno.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Has anyone used Varicad? http://www.varicad.com 

The fact that it supports OpenDWG is encouraging... open formats like it and ODF are the way of the future IMO. 

Anyone in the engineering world have any input on this? I'm trying to figure out if there's a decent market for good CAD software on Linux... with all the focus on optics and electronics Tucson is pretty engineering-heavy right?


What sort of CAD software are you looking for?  Circuit board design?  Or electrical circuit simulation?

I don't think Tucson is very heavy on engineering.  Not like Phoenix and the suburbs.  For electrical and mechanical engineering, Raytheon is the biggest game in Tucson.  The do some optics for their missiles, but I think they are designed and manufactured by outside vendors.


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