[Tfug] bash history duplication?

Felix Tilley fetilley at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 28 16:48:26 MST 2007

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 17:31:03 GMT
From: "Earl" <earljviolet at juno.com>
Subject: [Tfug] bash history duplication?
To: tfug at tfug.org
Message-ID: <20070628.103103.2129.0 at webmail10.dca.untd.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

I have a default line in my .bashrc file that says 

export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

after reading the man page for bash(1), I understand this means
duplications won't happen.  I get dups.



Personally, I prefer to suppress the bash history.  I put this in .bashrc:



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