[Tfug] My experience "recovering" Windows compared to installing Debian

Andrew Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Tue Jul 31 14:26:52 MST 2007

Angus Scott-Fleming wrote:
> On 30 Jul 2007 at 21:54, Sean Warburton  wrote:
>> I just leave them on my computer. Using msconfig, it took me maybe 45
>> seconds to stop all that stuff from running during each startup.
> IMHO Mike Lin's Startup Control Panel http://mlin.net/ is an easier way to deal 
> with this -- no warnings that you're running in a special mode when you boot, 
> so the (l)user doesn't get freaked ;-)

When you reboot after using MSConfig the dialog window that opens gives
you a checkbox which basically stops MSConfig from running at startup.
So there is no special mode AFAIK. MSConfig simply changes the registry,
boot.ini, etc.


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