[Tfug] keyboard macro - any utilities or keyboards available -

Joe Blais joe.blais at pti-instruments.com
Mon Feb 5 14:45:37 MST 2007

Hello -
Has anyone used programmable keyboards similar to the ones linked below?




I've been looking for a way to do keyboard macro's in linux.  The closest
thing is in emacs, but I'm using KDevelop.  I contacted KDevelop, and they
just suggest the scripts and clips.  Apparently there's something about X
that makes it difficult, depending on how things are set up.

The only utilities that I've found are winders utilities.

I generally need quick keyboard macro's - no scripting and messing with
regular expressions that take as much time as just typing the stuff out...
Borland had about the best and fastest macro utility in their windows IDEs.

Any suggestions or opinions?

I would think that if Linux has issues with this type of thing, there might
be more of a market for inexpensive programmable keyboards.  I had an old
WICO keyboard with trackball, but that bit the dust years ago.


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