[Tfug] Programmer's Resource: Book of Algorithms

Glen Pfeiffer glen_ap at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 15:20:46 MST 2006

--- Robert Hunter <hunter at tfug.org> wrote:
> By the way, has anyone tried
> out O'Reily Safari bookshelf?  I'm thinking that twenty bucks a month
> is not unreasonable for the service, as long as
> I can find the texts that I am interested in.

Safari provides a good service. Though it's cost effectiveness depends
on how you use it. I don't mind reading reference books on-line,
because I primarily need them when I am at the computer. But I prefer
non reference books such as tutorials, theory, etc. in paper format. 

Safari's 10 book-slot service with 5 chapter downloads per month, costs
$220 per year. I purchase approximately $400 in paper books per year,
and I get to keep them forever. I decided not to use Safari.



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