[Tfug] Microsoft Security Update

Neil Short neshort at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 7 12:14:13 MST 2006

Hey everybody! I just got an email with a nifty
Microsoft Security update attached. It's only 105k and
it purports to patch "all known security
vulnerabilities affecting MS Internet Explorer, MS
Outlook and MS Outlook Express as well as three newly
discovered vulnerabilities."

I can't use it as I don't run winD'OH!s but if anybody
out there can use it, I'll be glad to pass it along.

(by the way, in case you can't tell, I'm being a bit sarcastic.)

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, for all his works are truth, and his ways are justice; and he is able to bring low those who walk in pride.
Daniel 4:37

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