[Tfug] Reseller Hosting

keith smith klsmith2020 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 5 19:50:10 MST 2006

Hi Angus,

Thanks for the info.

I looked at CentralInfo.net and Burst.net.  

Hostgator offers 5G disk space / 50G transfer / Lots of features / WHM so you can create custom hosting accounts.  Customers get CPanel 10.  

For only 24.95/mo.

They also offer 

http://www.whmautopilot.com/ billing system.
Built in help desk.
Free enom domain reseller account.
PayPal merchant account.

Their site makes it sound like everything is turn key.

I've been watching these guys for several years.  I first noticed they upgraded to a turn key reseller plan about 6 months ago.

The thing that appeals to me is it looks turn key, allows me to define hosting plans, has a billing system built in, and looks like it might be hassle free.

Your thoughts?


Angus Scott-Fleming <angussf at geoapps.com> wrote: On 5 Nov 2006 at 10:18, keith smith  wrote:

> Hey everybody,
> Anyone ever use Host Gator Reseller ?  http://www.hostgator.com/resellers.shtml
> I've been looking at Host Gator for a while and am thinking of getting an
> account.  Seems to be full service - hosting / billing / WHM & Cpanel ...
> and more. 
> I used to have a Wild West Domains reseller account. (Godaddy reseller). 
> I would like to be able to define my own plans, have management and user
> control panels, sell domains, sell SSL certs, ETC WITHOUT  a lot of hassle
> and economically (time and money). 
> Any other reseller experiences?

I've used CentralInfo.net and Burst.net hosting.  I am using Burst.net now for 
several clients and have a trial account at 1and1 for a friend.  1and1 does not 
offer a list-server with any of their hosting packages, Burst.net does.

I think I'm paying about $55 monthly for 1.5g at Burst.net, but it's an old 
account that has been grandfathered in and I don't think they offer the same 
package any more.  1and1 is dirt-cheap, I think we're paying $18 every 6 months 
for that account.

I also host stuff on a server in my office, FWIW.


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