[Tfug] Mind taking a poll?

Quag7 coldfront at frostwarning.com
Fri Feb 24 11:06:02 MST 2006

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 09:11 -0700, Jim Secan wrote:

> Not a one-size-fits-all issue, either.  For some parts of Linux I consider
> myself to be on the upper end of intermediate, other parts (MANY parts) I
> consider myself to be somewhere below totally clueless.  Are we talking
> users here, or kernel modders, or gamers, or what?  As a "user" I'm
> intermediate, but as a kernel modder I'm sub-neophyte.

r0dent: Has loud opinions on OSes, switches distros every week, treats
Linux as a fashionable matter of ego.  Eventually "gets out of
computers," or claims to "no longer be in his computer phase."  Judges
your character, or pretends to, on what distros you run.  Mocking and
unhelpful.  Has learned just the terminology and procedures that he
thinks will impress people.  Comes quickly, and goes just as quickly.


User First Degree: Can use some sort of GUI in Linux to get work done
and knows a little bit about how it works; knows there's a command line
and knows the basic directory navigation and file commands.  Can install
one of the friendlier GUI-installer Linuxes.

User Second Degree: Same as above but chooses to do more at the command


Hobbyist First Degree (Enthusiast): Learning, self-teaching, exploring.
Not so much what he or she knows but that learning about Linux, FreeBSD,
or otherwise is both a means to an end as well as an end in itself.
Enjoys exploring his OS for fun after work hours.  Asks a lot of

Hobbyist Second Degree (Geek): Enthusiastic hobbyist 2-5 years in who
can install, maintain, and troubleshoot any common distribution (or
Unix-like OS).  Doesn't normally hack around in the kernel but can
compile one.  Knows what he doesn't know, but is always up for learning
something more.  Beginner or intermediate in basic high level scripting
(PERL, PHP, etc.).  Occasionally files bug reports, and sticks with it,
but rarely can offer a patch or solution.

(I am Hobbyist Second Degree)

Hobbyist Third Degree (Space Cadet): Enjoys making his system do
absolutely pointless things that it wasn't designed to do, just for the
love of doing it.  Dabbles or is a beginner with low level languages (C,
C++) and writes apps and scripts to automate tasks even where there is
little payoff for doing so, for the novelty of it and for the learning
opportunity (admits a lot of what he does are somewhat useless, but
gushes about the fun he had doing it).  Sometimes breaks things in ways
that surprise Adepts (space cadets enjoy surprising adepts).  Files bug
reports regularly, sometimes offering a patch or solution. 


Adept First Degree (Wonk): Modifies source code and troubleshoots
problems on the source level, including the kernel.  Almost always earns
money with his or her computer skills.  May participate on a development

Adept Second Degree (Adept): Accomplished Adept who almost always
participates on a development team and/or administers large LAN or WAN.
Alternately, may teach programming or administration. Sometimes low to
medium level managers or supervisors in tech companies or IT apartments.


Titan First Degree (Guru): Development lead on a software project or
head of IT or MIS department in a large company.  Treated with awe and
respect by underlings.  Expert and evolved, yet not supernaturally
transcended - has a graciousness and lack of obvious ego which commands
further respect.

Titan Second Degree (Transcended): Inndustry/community recognized expert
or development lead on a major foundational project.  Torvalds (Linux).
Stallman (emacs, more than GNU). Cerf.  And so on.  Can possibly shoot
lightning bolts out of eyes.  Sometimes (but not always) has a
considerable ego, the way the Greek gods did.

This is the silliest post I've written so far in 2006.

Quag7 <coldfront at frostwarning.com>
Photographs of the edge of the internet...

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