[Tfug] More Questions on KDE

Adrian choprboy at dakotacom.net
Wed Feb 15 11:06:01 MST 2006

On Wednesday 15 February 2006 10:44, Jim Secan wrote:
> Adrian's note rang a bell - I had a similar problem with QWest DSL and an
> ActionTEC GT701-WG DSL modem some months back on an FC3 system.  The "fix"
> (kludge, actually) that worked for me was:
> 1.  Insert the IP addresses of your ISPs DNS systems in /etc/resolv.conf
> 2.  Insert PEERDNS=no in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
> (assuming eth0 is your Internet network interface)
> The first action forces the use of the ISPs DNS systems (for whatever
> reason the ActionTEC was telling the Linux system that it should use it as 
> primary DNS).  The second action disables the ability of the DHCP server
> (the ActionTEC) to change the settings in resolv.conf.  (This explanation
> may be wide of the mark - it's how things were 'splained to me.  Maybe
> Adrian's IPv6 explanation is what's really going on.)

Yes, the ActionTec GT701 is the modem, couldn;t remember the name. There are 
actually 2 different problems with the modem. First, if you (or an app your 
running) do a IPv6 DNS query, the modem barfs and always returns as 
the IPv4 response for that FQDN. Note that a stand alone IPv4 query (say a 
nslookup www.yahoo.com) works fine until an IPv6 query is made, at which time 
the IPv4 response is corrupted and, from that point on, always returns

Second, the DHCP server implementation is broken in the modem. So, if you use 
DHCP IP assignment, the modem will always returns itself as the primary DNS 
server, regardless of the DHCP server settings in the modem configuration 
page. Given that most people just DHCP for an address, this sets you up to 
hit the first problem.

There is also another way to "fix" FF without changing the system:
 3. Do an "about:config" in the URL bar, scroll down and find the option 
"network.dns.disableIPv6" and set it to true.

Restart FF and it will no longer send out the IPv6 queries that cause the 
modem to barf. Of course... any other app that does do IPv6 will hit the same 


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