[Tfug] python/Tkinter

Jim Secan jim at nwra.com
Mon Apr 3 14:03:20 MST 2006

At 01:35 PM 4/3/2006 -0700, Shawn wrote:
>    For quick, dirty and simple Tkinter is quite hard to beat. Once you 
>get the hang of it simple interfaces are a breeze. I fulfills all my 
>requirements (I don't like gui's as a general rule). If you are looking 
>for prettier (native / complex widgets... etc) look elsewhere. For the 
>pretty projects, I've had decent luck with wxWindows (boaconstructor has 
>a really nice interface builder for wx).

Pretty I don't need; truly "write once, runs on *nix and 'doze" I do need.
Thanks for the input.


| Jim Secan           | Northwest Research Assoc, Inc |
| (jim at nwra.com)      | 2455 E. Speedway, Suite 204   |
| (520) 319-7773      | Tucson, Arizona 85719         |
|    Space Weather Info: http://www.nwra-az.com/      |

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