[Tfug] xorg in debian unstable

t takahashi gambarimasu at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 14:00:57 MST 2005

On 7/13/05, Ron Sandel <rsandel at email.arizona.edu> wrote:
> matrox releases binary drivers for the 550 for xorg.  unfortunatly, they don't have one for xorg 6.8.2 yet, but you can compile it yourself.

do you mean that compiling actually works with matrox's code?  if so,
that is good.  i would have guessed that either there would be no
source code for the proprietary modules or compiling would work about
as well as their install script (i.e. not).

if so, though, then why isn't the dvi-capable mga driver available in
non-free?  just nobody got around to it?

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