[Tfug] old topi, new article.

Nicholas Esborn tfug@tfug.org
Fri Sep 20 12:07:02 2002

On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 11:48:47AM -0700, Nicolas Lopez wrote:
>   Anyway, on to the real point.  I really wish these companys would stop
> throwing little temper tantrums and just chalk themselves.  If I remember
> correctly there are allready symbols in the warchalking dialect to signify
> not-for-public use. And I cna't imagine making a new one for "willing to
> prosecute" would really be that hard.  If you don't want somebody to do
> something, TELL THEM. 
>   I don't think this is a hard concept.

You're quite right, warchalking had "access denied" in its language right
from the start.  Apparently it never occurred to Nokia that there might be
benefits to publically documenting wireless networks' access policies.

It's not a hard concept, but it will take YEARS for the industry to realize
that obscurity is on the weak end of the security spectrum.  In the mean
time, threats are the fashionable M.O.


>   - Nick Lopez
>     kimo_sabe@atdot.org
> --
> Running Windows NT as a server because it's easy to use is like hiring
> Miss America to run your payroll because she's cute.

Nicholas Esborn
Unix Systems Administrator
Berkeley, California