[Tfug] old topi, new article.

Nicolas Lopez tfug@tfug.org
Fri Sep 20 11:49:01 2002

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On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 09:28:53AM -0700, Jon wrote:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2268224.stm
  Again I have to ask people to provide SOME hint as to what you're linking
too. bbc/technology could probably cover any topic discussed on TFUG.=20
 "New article on Warchalking from the BBC" isn't that hard to type is it?

  Anyway, on to the real point.  I really wish these companys would stop
throwing little temper tantrums and just chalk themselves.  If I remember
correctly there are allready symbols in the warchalking dialect to signify
not-for-public use. And I cna't imagine making a new one for "willing to
prosecute" would really be that hard.  If you don't want somebody to do
something, TELL THEM.=20
  I don't think this is a hard concept.

  - Nick Lopez
Running Windows NT as a server because it's easy to use is like hiring
Miss America to run your payroll because she's cute.

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