[Tfug] FWD: RUSSELL PAVLICEK: "The Open Source"

Anthony Hess tfug@tfug.org
Wed Sep 18 15:48:33 2002

Unfortunately I think even in the case of the select few who would
understand the issue, many of them are looking at an awful lot of money
coming their way to not understand them.

Windows, as crappy as it is when scalability/security/openness are critical,
makes a lot of people a lot of money.  Its not just Microsoft, its all the
'training' places, all of the consultants, millions of Windows only IT
people ... The list goes on!


On 9/18/02 3:25 PM, "Jim Secan" <jim@nwra-az.com> wrote:

>> This is where my rabble-rousing past wants me to urge everyone to write
> their congresspersons and complain.  But would they even understand the
> issues, much less try to do something about them?