[Tfug] OpenVPN and routing help

Andy Ayre andy at britishideas.com
Sun Jul 31 01:29:39 MST 2016

I don't have any advice to give for VPNs - it's been many years since I set
up my own VPN tunneling and I can't remember the details. However I am
sorry to hear you are stuck in the hospital and I hope you get better and
get out of there soon!


On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 5:39 AM, John Gruenenfelder <jetpackjohn at gmail.com>

> Hey TFUG,
> I've been stuck in the hospital for four months now (long story), but
> I've got my laptop to help occupy some of the time.  The Internet
> connection is pretty lousy, though.  Anyway, I took the time to
> finally set up an OpenVPN connection to my home server.  Following a
> Debian specific guide, this was fairly easy to do, even with the TLS
> certs and such.
> I want to use the VPN, at least for now, just for accessing services
> and data on this server (bebop).  I then used Gnome's network manager
> on my laptop to configure the client end of the VPN.  It works, but
> unfortunately it seems to want to route *all* traffic through the VPN,
> and that essentially killed my connection to the rest of the Internet
> until I turned off the VPN connection.
> So... I guess I'm asking what I should do next?  When at home I have
> NFSv4 configured using autofs and that's working nicely.  I'd like to
> be able to send that over the VPN link along with VNC connections,
> port 80/443. ssh, and so on.  Part of this was simplified by adding
> bebopvpn to /etc/hosts and setting it to the remote VPN IP address.  I
> also added a bebopvpnnet entry to /etc/networks, but I don't know how
> useful that will be.  I think this will require adding some entries to
> the routing table, maybe?
> A tougher question is to make the NFS access more seamless.  That is,
> when on my home network, for efficiency autofs and the NFS connections
> should use the regular network and IP addresses and when not on the
> home network it should all get sent through the VPN.  Obviously, I
> would rather not have to edit files each time I change locations.
> Perhaps in this case, for simplicity's sake, it would be best to just
> have NFS go through the VPN regardless of where the laptop is?
> Any advice, links, guides, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> --
> --John Gruenenfelder    Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
> My various (fun) projects  --  https://bach.as.arizona.edu/~johng
> "This is the most fun I've had without being drenched in the blood
> of my enemies!"
>         --Sam of Sam & Max
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